Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hospital Waiting Room

A day in the hospital waiting room gave me an opportunity to do some sketching of unsuspecting models.


Byung Hwa Yoo said...

Love them. The sketches show their mind. In hospital everyone feels the same to be cured or to hear from doctor 'Nothing is wrong!' Hope you're well!

adebanji said...

Keep it up, IT'S good spirit TO KEEP ONGOING!

Aleks said...

Paaaat,these are brrilliant!!
You are getting sharp and oh so very good with lines and shades,I injoy these very much!Thank you for sharing,love Sandra

Bãpp said...

great sketches Pat,
jan :)

Laure Ferlita said...

Do they know you're sketching or are you a stealth sketcher?! Regardless these are great!

cardesin said...
